Lodolite, the Shamanic Dream Stone



Lodolite – also known as Inclusion Quartz, Scenic Quartz, Landscape Quartz, Garden Quartz, and Phantom Quartz – is one of the most captivating and dramatic-looking types of quartz. Upon first glance, lodolite looks like a stone filled with secrets with its multi coloured, scenic inclusions that remind us of an underwater world or a fairytale forest.

The name, Shamanic Dream Stone, refers to the gem’s potential to help unlock the doorway to spiritual realms and to facilitate lucid dreaming. Lodolite is also believed to open one up to divine guidance and direction and to offer support on the spiritual path.

Wearing jewelry featuring lodolite is like wearing a tiny piece of fine art. The intricate details and dimensional quality of this gemstone add versatility and give captivating charm to the overall look of the jewelry. Every time you catch sight of its complexity, you will marvel at its magnificence and perfection.

Lodolite Jewelry

Beaded lodolite bracelet

Beaded Lodolite Bracelet

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Pixiu Bead Lodolite Bracelet

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Lodolite Earrings

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Spiritual power
Lodolite is a powerful emotional healer, relieving and helping one learn from the traumas of past lives and/or childhood. Therefore, it is also helpful in breaking down repetitive patterns in relationships and moving on with one's life.

In meditation, lodolite facilitates contact with one's spiritual guides. It is also a good companion for any period of change and transformation - lodolite helps you let go of your ego's attachment to certain behaviours and situations. This crystal also helps to ground energy, look deeper into oneself, maintain the awareness and healthy self-esteem required to take your spiritual journey to the next level.

Lodolite is by nature a loving and gentle stone that brings harmony. It also behaves like quartz, in that it amplifies the effect of all other rocks, so the effect of any inclusions within the lodolite, or phantom quartz, is also increased.
Healing properties
Lodolite nourishes the immune system as well as the entire nervous system, creating balance in the body. It works well on endocrine glands (including the pineal gland). It is effective for healing eye problems. Assists recovery from physical addictions due to its powerful cleansing properties (supports cleansing/detox treatments).
Did you know
A good child has many names: Phantom Quartz, Lodolite, Scenic Quartz, Landscape Quartz, and Garden Quartz are all names for the same crystal         
Care and maintenance
You can clean lodolite in incense smoke, above a candle flame or under running water. It enjoys both moonlight and sun for a short while.
Best signs
Aquarius, Scorpio, but suitable for all star signs

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