Mystic Quartz

Mystic Quartz

We all love new and interesting things! That's why the jewellers created mystic quartz. They transform rock crystal by heating it up and treating it chemically, until it gets amazing new colour palette. The stone is cut into special shape to bring on a purple-greenish play of colour reminding us of Northern Lights. Amazing!

Keywords: spiritual journeys, warmth, communication, energy, cleansing, freeing energy, removes blockages, focus, balancing.

Spiritual power
Mystic quartz can help to find a person's spiritual path and access one's inner resources. Mystic quartz encourages meditation, emotional voyages, and higher levels of consciousness and understanding. It decreases coldness in communication and attracts potential friends as well as customers. Mystic quartz encourages trust, appreciation, and healing. It helps to find extra energy when it comes to stress or tiredness.
Healing properties
Like clear quartz to remove all blockages from the body.
Care and maintenance
  As this stone is chemically treated, then Lukewarm soapy water or soft cloth is the best for cleaning this stone, but it doesn’t tolerate long periods in bright sunlight, any household chemicals, perfumes. Better to use incense or place on top of selenite for energetical cleansing.
Best signs
Not connected directly to any of the signs.
Stones with similar energy/impact: